1913 Mar. Kakuzo Suzuki started business named "SUZUKAKU SHOTEN" at 13 Shinmachi Hamamatsu.
1938 Apr. Kakuji Suzuki succeed Kakuzo Suzuki as president.
  Oct. Futatsuwa factory limited partnarship was established.
1963 Aug. Built a new four-storey office in Shinmachi, Hamamatsu city
1964 Jul. Built a warehouse for materials at Miyatake-cho, Hamamatsu city
1969 Dec. Moved the warehouse for materials to Ohyagi-cho, Hamamatsu city
1972 Jan. Built a welfare pension house at Nezumino-cho Hamamatsu city
  Feb. Established Tokaisegi corporation
  May Built a transformation product office at Shinmachi, Hamamatsu city
1976 Aug. Moved Headquarters o Ohyagi-cho Hamamatsu
  Oct. Changed name of Futatsuwa factory limited partnership to Futatsuwa factory corporation
1978 Oct. Established Suzukak steel centre corporation
1982 Mar. Established Suzukak steel sales corporation
1984 May Participated in Shoa press factory corporation
1988 Jun. Kakuji Suzuki was inaugurated as the chairman
and Satoru Suzuki was inaugurated as C.E.O.
1991 Jul. Built new four-story headquarters in Oyagicho , Hamamatsu city.
1992 Mar. Built processing cetre
1997 Oct. Changed name to Suzkaku corporation
2000 Feb. Acquisit Futatsuwa factory corp., Tokai seigi corp., Showa press factory corp., Suzukaku steel sales corp. and Suzukaku ltd. partnership.
Formed division system
Jul. The material processing operation division carried out the attestation acquisition of the ISO 9001.
  Aug. The packing operation division moved the steel packing manufacture line into the factory of the head office.
Sep. The packing operation division was chosen as the authorization place of business by the law of small and medium-sized enterprises. A theme is manufacture of the product of the steel packing case in which resources recycling is possible.
2003 Mar. The attestation acquisition of the ISO 14001 was carried out in the whole company.
2006 Aug. Suzukaku USA, Inc was established at Buchanan Georgia.
2008 Feb. Whole company acquisition of ISO 9001 certification.
2010 Feb. Whole company ISO9001/14001 certification return.

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